Royal visits to Glasgow: 35 of the best photos of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, King Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry in Glasgow

The Royal Family have often visited Glasgow - today we're looking back at the very best pictures of the Royal Family in Glasgow over the years

Glasgow - out of all of the UK - has always been a very important city to the Royal Family.

Even before the days of the industrial revolution where Glasgow was seen as the second city of the Empire, the Royals always cherished the city of Glasgow.

All of the Royal family claim heritage from the Scottish nobility - through King George VI they are directly descended from James VI of Scotland, and through the Bowes-Lyons, Earls of Strathmore, they can trace her ancestry back through generations of Scottish nobility to Sir John Lyon, Thane of Glamis, who married Robert II’s daughter in the fourteenth century.

Oftentimes would the Royals visit Glasgow - today we're looking back at the very best pictures from the Royal Family's visits to Glasgow.