Call to block Abronhill consultation fails

EDUCATION officials have voted to continue their plans towards the merger of Cumbernauld High Schoo and Abronhill High Schools despite a plea to block the move.

At a special meeting of the learning and leisure services committee at North Lanarkshire Council on Monday, SNP proposals to keep the schools separate, adding a community facility in Abronhill, were soundly outvoted. However, there was a reiteration of the council’s commitment to deliver on its stated intention to replace Cumbernauld High following the merger.

At the meeting, SNP councillor Tom Johnston, tabling the amendment, said: “We are talking about the future of schools in one area that is separate from the rest of Cumbernauld. Abronhill has always been a ‘satellite town’ with its own identity and the school is part of that.”

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