Lanark dental nurse has real Specs appeal!

Molly shows specs can be fashionable.Molly shows specs can be fashionable.
Molly shows specs can be fashionable.
A trendsetting dental nurse has reached the regional finals of a Specsavers competition.

Molly Whyte, 19, fought off competition from across the country to become one of just 10 regional finalists in Scotland and is now competing in the 16-24 age category of the chain’s spectacle wearer of the year competition, offering a top prize of £10,000.

Molly, of Wishaw, works at a dental practice in Lanark, and Specsavers Lanark store director Rubena Kerr is one of her patients.

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“I’m over the Moon to have reached this stage of the competition and can’t wait to find out if I’ve made it to the final,” said Molly.

Molly with her prizes from Lanark store director Rubena Kerr.Molly with her prizes from Lanark store director Rubena Kerr.
Molly with her prizes from Lanark store director Rubena Kerr.

‘The competition is a great opportunity for me to show people that wearing glasses can make you feel great.

‘I’m very proud to be involved in the competition and hope that I inspire people to wear their glasses with confidence.’

For every eligible entry to the competition, Specsavers donates £1 to anti-bullying charity, Kidscape.

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To celebrate her success in the competition, Molly was invited into the Specsavers store in Lanark – which is close to her workplace – and was presented with a bottle of champagne, a £150 Specsavers voucher and a certificate, by store director Rubena Kerr.

Molly with her prizes from Lanark store director Rubena Kerr.Molly with her prizes from Lanark store director Rubena Kerr.
Molly with her prizes from Lanark store director Rubena Kerr.

Rubena says: ‘Molly is my dental nurse and as an optometrist, I always notice her glasses and always think she looks really stylish.

‘The Spectacle Wearer of the Year competition is a fantastic platform for showing people who are a bit reluctant about wearing glasses that you can look gorgeous wearing them.

‘We’re very proud to be supporting Molly in the competition and we wish her all the best.’

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Now in its 22nd year, the competition will give regional finalists from five age categories – 16-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-59 and over 60s, plus a Facebook favourite voted by the public – the chance to attend the awards ceremony in London on October 10, which will be hosted by former Girls Aloud star Nadine Coyle. To date the competition has raised £400,000 for Kidscape.