Readers’ letters

Find out what our readers think of the stories making the Gazette headlines.

A Lead balloon

Dear Ed, – I write to alert your readers of another proposed wind farm development for the Clydesdale area.

The Leadhills Wind Farm, with 14,137m high turbines, is to be sited approximately 3.87km south west of Crawfordjohn and 1.75km north west of Leadhills.

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There is significant local objection to this proposal, given our proximity to the existing Clyde Wind Farm at Andershaw and proposed Wind Farms at Glentaggart, Middlemuir and Kennoxhead.

We are deeply concerned as to the cumulative impact visually, economically (loss of tourism), and to our health of so many developments in such a small geographical area.

Most people accept the necessity for wind power to be part of our energy mix in the future; however many of us remain unconvinced as to the true value for further large scale developments, when other renewable sources exist.

It appears that current government policy and generous feed-in tariffs are promoting an increase in proposed wind farms.

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I hope that any readers, who have enjoyed the beautiful unspoilt views of the Duneaton Valley while on family days out, picnics by the river, camping or walking in the countryside at Crawfordjohn and Leadhills, will want to help us to preserve this unique and beautiful landscape of the Southern Uplands.

Readers can make their views know to their local councillors, to South Lanarkshire Council planning department or contact the Middle Muir Action Group, [email protected]. – Yours etc.,


Stonehill Farm,


Keep us Carsafe

Dear Ed, – We in Carsafe, Carstairs are concerned over the site of a wind turbine at Eastend Park Farm, Carstairs, so near a complex road junction.

Columbie Junction is the notorious accident black spot area in our district.

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We have been campaigning for two decades to make Carstairs a safer place for residents and road users.

With the help of Strathclyde Police and South Lanarkshire Council, the signage and road markings were altered some years ago to make this junction safer. There is a blind summit after Kames entrance before the junction and, as this is a main road, speed is also a factor.

You need your wits about you, whether entering or leaving the village.

We feel that the wind turbine being only yards away will cause a distraction to drivers at this junction and suggest that it be re-sited further away from the juntion and indeed houses.

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We are not opposed to wind turbines, far from it as it is the modern way. We are surrounded now by wind farms and it is the future; however, we do not know of any so near a main road. Those ugly pylons of the last century should stay in the past. The correct site for these is essential and all aspects should be considered.

We in Carstairs with the help of residents have campaigned for SLC to erect electronic speed monitors for the three roads coming into the village.

We also have now a 50mph speed limit from Ravenstruther to Carstairs. At peak times, we see in excess of 500 vehicles per hour coming through the village; road safety is our main concern. Please consider re-siting this wind turbine away from such an accident black spot. – Yours etc.,


Carsafe (Carstairs).

Set an example

Dear Ed, – In the South Lanarkshire Council View, in the Gazette last week, the chair of housing and technical resources urges us to follow various methods of saving money on heating and power, which I’m sure the general public already do as a matter of common sense and necessity.

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It would be more appropriate for him to educate South Lanarkshire Council office staff who are responsible for a considerable waste of valuable resources, eg heating, lighting.

Its offices in Lanark are obviously over-heated as windows are wide open from early morning, while staff wear short-sleeved blouses and shirts – no “extra layers of clothing” for them!

“Draw curtains at night”? The brand new blinds have never been seen in use! Lights are regularly left on overnight and over weekends! Many man-hours are wasted by staff smoking outside the building at very frequent intervals!

Do they behave like this at home where THEY are responsible for the bills, unlike the workplace where the long-suffering council tax payer foots the bills and sees this blatant waste of money?

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South Lanarkshire Council should be showing an example in cost efficiency – let us see a real effort on their part this winter. – Yours etc.,


Better informed

Dear Ed, – Following concerns expressed in the local media regarding delayed communication to local councillors on major issues such as road closures, Vivienne, Catherine and Ed have asked to be alerted in the first instance.

Similarly relevant local groups are to be kept informed as soon as possible about any impending works. – Yours etc.,




Working spaces

Dear Ed, – With regards to the car parking spaces at the church, and the two in the Castlegate (just above the Wee Mans and the one at the side of the church hall) 90-95 per cent of the spaces are taken up by people going to work.

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I go up for my paper every morning and all the spaces in these car parks are taken by 8.45am and people are parking on the road leading into Delves park too. – Yours etc.,


Dogs distressed